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The bond between animals and humanity

At first, it is important to let clear the main differences between the animal and human identities, the first one is known to be related to a lack of thought which is the opposite of humanity, because human nature is based on social values, personal relationships...

Personally in terms of affections we are truly linked with animals, but throughout the years it seems that we have increased the importance of animals, especially the use we made of them for food. I agree with many opinions which defend the statement that animals are unable to express their feelings and because of that they should not be used for food, but previously we must make a list of which animals can be used for food and which not.

In addition, we should review economic indicators such as animal's surplus and this kind of stuff.

From my point of view, we must have the same opinion on how animals are treated in their use for food as in other questions like researching or exhibition (display).

The last one, animal exhibition must be prohibited in all cases, because, it is not art.

In short, this question should be discussed more publicly, it is an absolutely important topic which affects almost everytime many aspects of our life as a citizenship or even greatly as a society, this topic has a secondary treatment in the media which it is not deserved, the resolution of all this question is as simple as we have to get involved in what we believe as citizens, and not put this problem aside the hands of politicians.

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